Christmas delicacies

Christmas delicacies

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Christmas delicacies

Australians do Christmas differently. It is different to traditional Northern Hemisphere white Christmas. So, it may be best known as ‘same, but different. Aussies celebrate the holiday season in summer. As a result, mulled wine is not really suitable. Therefore, Aussies are more into cold cuts, seafoods and cold sweet dishes. For example, lamington trifle, pavlova and salads; fruit and vegetables. Of course, Christmas break is completed with a match of backyard cricket.

Climate lends itself to fresh salads and cooling seafood delicacies. Therefore, many Australian prefer to eat cold ham and turkey. It is the preference over a warm formal dinner. It is simply because of the balmy climate. However, some like to celebrate with BBQ prawns and beer in their backyard.

Borrowed tradition

However, a borrowed tradition from the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas pudding is common. Thus far, you will find people either love or hate puddings. For those who love them are huge fans of this succulent dessert. It is normally packed with delicious dried fruits with a dose of favourite booze. You love it a little more if there is liberal dose of brandy. Coating it with plenty of custard often makes for a wicked treat. Particularly when you are a little peckish at night. It is tastier when perusing the leftovers. People mostly say it does not feel like Christmas without puddings.

Aussie seafoods

One needs to taste Australian seafood to appreciate it. You will love to treat yourself to luxurious oysters tasty prawns. Cool and tasty to make a great summer food. Oysters are cool and crisp making them perfect appetisers in sweltering summer. Aussie prawns are an easy choice. Most meat-eat Australian family incorporate prawns in their Christmas spread. Those in Sydney are particularly spoilt to have access to Sydney Fish Market. It is the largest working fish market in the Southern Hemisphere. You will find a wide selection of choicest seafoods.

Cold ham and turkey

Aussie Christmas is far too hot to slave in front of an oven on Christmas Day. Most Aussie families prepare Christmas ham a few days in advance. Thus it is served cold. Many families eat turkey the same way. Everyone will eat their fill. However, it is common many will usually be fitting in thirds and fourths. It is the Aussie way. Regardless, there is always plenty left over. Perhaps, god’s blessings. So, you can be sure, you will be eating it in sandwiches for some time. However, you will be absolutely fine with it because it is delicious.

BBQ and beer

Chicken thighs, lamb skewers and mini steaks appear to be common Aussie sizzle. However, it must include a few snags to make it truly Aussie. There are plenty of fresh vegetables to include the vegetarian friends. Options are endless like zucchini fritters, cauliflower steak or sweet corn cobs. Despite the hot climate, most Aussie families will fire up the barbie on Christmas Day. Therefore, sweating sitting in fresh air amongst the sounds of a sizzling hotplate makes a perfect Christmas setting.


Aussies love their drink. It is no secret. It feels so right and fitting to enjoy a few drinks on Christmas Day. Thus far, Christmas is one of the days people of drinking age can enjoy drinking. So, everyone in the family always partake in alcoholic beverages. There is always plenty of beer, wines, spirits and bubblies.